
Kamis, 02 Januari 2014

Organizer Paragraph

Learning english for young learners.

Learning english for young learners is very important. It’s because in the future, english is needed by them. Such as, to go abroad, to enter in the internationals school, to get job, etc. Most of parents, they give english to their daughters or sons earlier. They want to their daughters or sons know more about english earlier. So, their daughter or sons can comprehen the phrases, words, sentences and also paragraphs. And they are also able to read, speak, write and listen english well. But, there are the difficult things when the young learners learn about english. It’s about they less in vocabulary, less feeling confident and lazy to learn. All of it are the three difficult things when the young learners learn about english.
    Most of the young learners, they still less in vocabulary. Actually vocabulary is very important to learn, when the young learners want to learn english. All of the skills in learning english need vocabulary.  If the young learners less in vocabulary. They not ability yet to comprehen english text and master all of the skills in learning english. Here, vocabulary is very important to learn to the young learners. To sum up, they are have to master in vocabulary and learn english fluently and well.
   Feeling Confident is very important when the young learners learn about english. It’s because in speaking skill, young learners need to perform to show their ability in speaking. When they are performed, they have to keep confident. In speaking performance they have to keep their attitude, speech and appropriate gesture. If the young learners don’t have felling confident and don’t keep their attitude, speech and appropriate gesture. It means they fell nervous and they can’t control their performance. So , their speaking can run well. Sum up, all of young learners have to have felling confident about their performance.
    The difficult things when the young learners learn english is lazy to learn. Most of the young learners. They still lazy to learn. They still want to play and play. They don’t want to learn english. Here, the role of parents, teachers, and people in their environment is very important to support them learn english. Most of young learners usually don’t want to learn, it’s because they don’t get support from other people. So they lazy to learn. At least, lazy to learn is one of the difficult thing when young learners learn english.
    To sum up, learning english for young learners is very important. It can make them know  more about english earlier. But, there are the difficult things when young learners learn english. It’s about they less in vocabulary, less confident and lazy to learn. All of it are the three difficult things when young learners learn english.

8 komentar:

  1. Nice Paragraph..
    But I see the weakness of your paragraph.
    1. In first paragraph word 'Comprehen' you miss 'd', it should be 'Comprehend'.
    2. In second Paragraph, in the first sentence it will be better if you they ( Most of young learners still less in vocabulary)
    3. I see word 'English' in your paragraph, the letter 'e' not using big letter. Remember when you use the name of country you must start it with big letter.
    Thank you @_@

  2. good enough..... and it's easy to get your idea......

  3. good but when you write "english" you should use capital letter.

  4. good but you have check vocabulary, there are some vocabulary that are not suitable

  5. okok.... thanks.... friends.....

  6. i think your paragraph is good, but there sre some word of vocabulary is not suitable, like in this words " less vocabulary", it will be better you change "lack vocabulary"

  7. i think your paragraph is good ...
